A web developer is s tasked with converting the web design into a functional website, using coding languages such as HTML, JavaScript, PHP, and Python. take the ideas and concepts laid out by designers and turn them into real, live, and fully-functioning websites. Front-end development, also known as client-side development, largely involves coding and programming the visual elements of a website that users will see. As such, there is a fair amount of overlap and collaboration between front-end developers and web designers. the two roles depend on each other to deliver a quality product. A web design contract is a social document that details the legally enforceable agreement between a designer and their client. It defines the business relationship between the two parties and details the project scope, pricing, deliverables, timelines, and other pre-agreed items relevant to the project. Yuri, Web Developer

What I do

I build web apps and websites
in line with your strategy, budget and goals.

1 Web Interfaces

I started when the web was born, and followed every evolution on how to communicate, trade, and make business online. I design usable interfaces or work in a team, transforming the given graphic composites in an interactive and animated environment.

2 Online shops & Bookings

I am an expert in developing e-commerce sites and web booking systems based on WordPress, the best system to make you autonomous.

Newest works

Every Web App must be unique, fast and easy to use.


The scenery starts illustrating the four main topics by interactive quadrants. The mobile version displays those topics by a completely different design.


Principe del Mare

The owner is a craftsman with a fancy shop in Milan. I helped maximize sales with a modest initial budget by reinvesting part of the revenues year by year.



About me

I am a Web Interface Designer and WordPress Developer,
with almost 20 years experience.

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1 How I work

I am happy to work both on large teams as well as autonomously, and I offer total commitment to guidelines and deadlines.

2 Where I work

I live in Milan and in Berlin, where I am part of a communication agency, Winning Words and I also serve clients remotely from all over the world.


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